23 February 2008

Not Diet but Right Eat

Tips for healthy diet:

1. Start fasting.

Fasting can trash all toxin you consumed. Do it twice a week, like weekend or Monday-Thursday. And best if you’re not in heavy activities.

2. Eat in raw food

However, eating in raw food is better, like fresh fruits and vegetables, more fiber than juice.

3. Avoid chemical

Stop eating food with chemical ingredients like, coloring, drugs, additional food

4. Eat less drink water more

Eating when hungry, stop.then eat again if next hungry hit. Your body will work constantly if you feed it in the best way, which is suplly in constantly.

5. Mix it Up

Combine your food in balance. Make sure all nutrients; carbohidrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, contains enough.

6. Water

Drink water eight glasses a day or more. Drinking water before eating makes you feel much full

7. Frying Bad!! Steaming Good

Oil adds lipid to your body, especially poly unsaturated lipids, those can not process by your body

8. Don’t Push It

If you break your diet rules and tasting food that forbidden for you, don’t feel guilty. Forgive yourself and start from beginning. Don’t push it too much. One scoop of ice cream, it’s ok for your weekend.

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