Apa yang tertuang di sini semata ingatku padanya. Tuhanku Karena Kau yang buat hidup, mati, atau apapun, Menjadi satu makna, Pengabdian dalam mengagumiMu Untuk kagumi diriMu sendiri..Untuk hati yang tidak pernah mati
20 March 2008
Another Hard Disk Drive (part II)
What do data recovery experts have to say? I asked Jim Reinert, senior director of software and services for Ontrack Data Recovery whether any of this was possible. His answer was a blunt "No."
Reinert admitted that it is possible to read traces of previously written or overwritten bits, but reconstructing any usable data from them was a horse of a different color. All that's possible, he said, is to infer that something was recorded there, but not to figure out what that something was. (I concluded that since most any spot on a hard disk drive has been written to at least once during its lifetime, that doesn't tell us anything we don't already know.)
What about the disk-seeking issue, where writes to the same track might end up being in parallel? "This was more true in older hard disk drive technology when track widths were wider and aerial densities were lower," Reinert said. "In modern disk drives, the tolerances have become much smaller, so this is becoming less of an effect."
To this end, the objections about this clandestine recovery technique seem to boil down to three things:
Nobody has ever shown they can actually do this. (This, to me, is the most important fact: No one has ever actually taken a hard disk drive, recorded data on it, overwritten the data, then attempted to recover it—let alone demonstrated that they can do this reliably.)
No reputable data recovery expert believes this is possible or advertises that they can do it. (Do you want to end up in the position of having taken money for a service you can't provide?)
If it isn't possible to do it commercially, there's a strong chance no intelligence agency can do it either.
Data recovery is possible: Special circumstances There are some circumstances where pieces of data that belong to an erased file can be recovered due to the way file systems handle data. One common example of this is the cluster tip phenomenon. A file can be written to a series of clusters on a disk, then overwritten by a slightly shorter file—one which uses the same clusters, but falls shorter of filling out to the end of the last cluster than the previous file did.
In such a case, it's possible—if you are diligent, and know where and how to look—to discover the tail end of a previous file. Not much data may be recovered from the cluster tip, but it might be enough to hint at the contents of the rest of the file. The freeware Eraser utility can clean up unallocated sectors and cluster tips as part of its erasure methodology.
So what are some of the practical ways to deal with protecting confidential data without going into total overkill? Here are a few:
Perform a single-pass random wipe of the media with an appropriate program. I'm fond of Eraser; other folks swear by Darik's Boot and Nuke (DBAN)—for no-hassle, full-disk unattended destruction. Eraser is for erasing files and disks alike; DBAN creates bootable media that performs secure erasure on whole disks. The main problem with wiping a whole disk is that it's a very slow operation. But there are workarounds, like setting up the erase process to run overnight in a locked room.
Use on-disk encryption. This solution is not always practical; setting up encryption software demands time and effort. However, an encrypted disk can be decommissioned very quickly, since without the encryption key, whatever's stored on it is indistinguishable from random data. I've had good results using the freeware TrueCrypt. Windows Vista's own BitLocker feature can also be used to encrypt the OS partition of a Windows Vista system.
Degaussing the media. Hard disk drive degaussers do exist—the company Data Devices International offers devices for erasing hard disk drives—but they're expensive and probably not aimed at companies that have relatively few hard disk drives that need erasing.
Physically destroy the media in question. This is the most cumbersome method (not to mention the most labor-intensive!), but the remnants of the destroyed media can be used as hard evidence that the data—or at least this particular copy of it—has indeed been deep-sixed.
Another Hard Disk Drive (part I)
Over time, I've been repeatedly confronted with a persistent digital legend: the idea that data written to magnetic media, such as hard disk drives, can be recovered even if overwritten, due to a quirk in the way hard drives write and read data.
Some of this notion stems from the fact that when a drive's head seeks to a given spot, it does not always seek to the exact same spot. Therefore data written to the same track might exist in a number of side-by-side iterations. So if you want to guarantee the erasure of a piece of data from a hard disk drive, you need to erase it many times over.
Scrub that disk!This notion spurred the creation of many data-erasure products that write randomly generated data to a file or a given piece of media, and use multiple iterations of the random-erase cycle to ensure the complete destruction of data. The more erase cycles, of course, the longer the process takes. The full implementation of Department of Defense's own 5220-22.M standard requires seven discrete passes. Imagine doing seven discrete full-surface formats of a hard disk drive and you'll have some idea of how tedious this is.
The idea that "erased" data wasn't really erased seemed plausible, but admittedly only because I hadn't solicited any second opinions about the matter. Is there any evidence supporting the hypothesis that to completely erase a drive, you must erase it multiple times?
Maintain Hard Disk Drives in Top Condition
You must have often seen your new computer beginning to crawl from those blistering speeds that you were once proud of. Well the good news is you can get those speeds back with some simple maintenance tips and tricks.
There are some simple maintenance tools available with every operating system(OS).
Disk CleanupEach time you install applications or simply work and surf the Internet it creates temporary files on the disk. Once you exit your work these files are no longer needed. Over time this burgeoning data fills up your hard disk drive and causes fragmentation of data. This is the main cause that puts chains on your nimble footed beauty. You have to just run this utility to restore its pride. Here is how- Go to Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup. On the dialog box that pops up select drive C to be cleaned (the OS drive).
ScanDiskThis utility determines any errors on your hard disk drive and repairs the same. Unscanned disks can have bad sectors and any data written on these can result in data loss. To scan any drive - Go to Windows Explorer, right click and select Properties. Click Tools[/] tab and under [i]Error Checking, click "Check Now". Bad sectors if any will be repaired or marked up. No data will be written onto these bad sectors henceforth.
Disk DefragmentationFragmentation results when data on disk is dispersed on the hard disk due to prolonged read and write operations as also while installation of large applications. With passage of time the free space on the hard disk drive does not appear in a chunk, but in smaller chunks and when you install applications data is written in available free space. You can well imagine what happens when the disk head has to scurry from one location to another to launch applications. Disk Defragmentation organises and moves around data files together so that read and write operations happen faster. Here is how to start the defragmentor - Go to Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Defragmentor. Running this utility once a month is recommended. However do not overuse this utility.
These maintenance tips should keep your hard disk drives in top notch condition.
14 March 2008
how to buy used laptop
If you want to buy used laptop you must check a few thing. The first thing that you must check is the lcd, good lcd laptop must have a clear display, if the lcd display not clear or bright it might had trouble with the light at the bottom of lcd. After checking the display, you must check the lcd for the death pixel. Death pixel is very small dots in lcd that cannot display the right color when the lcd viewing a picture. The next thing you check is the keyboard, press every button in keyboard and check if the button you press give a respon or not. After the keyboard you have to check the optical drive in laptop. For example if the laptop have DVD-Combo drive, put a DVD on it and check how long for the optical drive to display the content on that DVD. The longer time it needed to display the content showing the condition of the DVD-Combo optical laser reader is weak. If the DVD-Combo display the content in a few second it mean the optical laser reader is good.
After checking the optical drive you can check laptop mouse or touch pad. For IBM laptop you will find a small button in keyboard known as track point that you can use to move the pointer or have same function as mouse. Use it to move pointer in the screen and check for the respond. Other brand laptop have a touch pad with two or three buttons that have a same function with a mouse. Touch the touch pad and move your finger around to test the respond and accuracy to the pointer in the screen. Move the pointer in the screen over the icon in desktop, tap your finger once or two times to test touch pad for click or executing the icon command.The next thing you check is the laptop hard drive
, execute one program, the hear the sound that came from hard drive position. If it is quiet then the hard drive is in good condition, if it is not may be have a bad sector (not good). The thing you must check next is the battery. Usualy laptop battery stand for 1 hour using in good condition. Below 1 hour the laptop battery is not good or the battery sel is damaged so it can’t save the current power even it have been recharged. Laptop also have other features such as wifi or bluetooth to check it you must go to a hot spot that have a broad band internet access, and try to connect to the network. After checking the primary thing that must in good condition you can check laptop other features, eg . modem, network card, infra red.
laptop hari ini
1. Notebook Compaq Pentium3/memori256mb/HDD20Gb/LCD14"/lusmulus/DVD harga Rp. 2.600.000/unit
2. Notebook Acer Centrino 1,73/512Mb/HDD 60GB/DVD COMBO/ Wifi/ 15" harga Rp. 4.800.000/unit.
3. Notebook Toshiba CoreSolo 1,86/512/80/DVD-RW/wifi/modem/14.1" harga Rp. 5.250.000
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06 March 2008
Angel Cake
5 g vegetable oil
50 ml milk
25 g sugar
1/4 tsp vanila extract
40 g cake flour
10 g milk powder
150 g egg whites
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
40 g sugar
1/4 tsp pandan pasta
Chocolate Buttercream
How to make:
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C and line 2 baking pan (24 x 12 x 4cm) with parchment paper.
2. Heat vegetable oil, milk, sugar, & vanila extract, stir until sugar is dissolved.
3. Pour the mixture to the sifted cake flour & milk powder. Gently stir it.
4. Beat the egg whites in another bowl until foamy. Add cream of tartar and sugar, continue beating until soft peaks form.
5. Spoon the egg whites to flour mixture, gently stir it until just combined.
6. Divide the batter into two same weight. Add pandan pasta to one batter. Pour the 2 batter into baking pan. Bake for 15 - 20 minutes.
7. After the cake is cooled, spread chocolate buttercream and roll up the cake.
cervical cancer
Treatment consists of surgery (including local excision) in early stages and chemotherapy and radiotherapy in advanced stages of the disease.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a necessary factor in the development of nearly all cases of cervical cancer. An effective HPV vaccine against the two most common cancer-causing strains of HPV has recently been licensed in the U.S. (see Vaccine section, below). These two HPV strains together are responsible for approximately 70%of all cervical cancers. Experts recommend that women combine the benefits of both programs by seeking regular Pap smear screening, even after vaccination.
Cervical cancer is a carcinoma, typically composed of squamous cells, and is similar in some respects to squamous cell cancers of the head and neck and anus. All three of these diseases may be associated with human papillomavirus infection.
The early stages of cervical cancer may be completely asymptomatic. Vaginal bleeding, contact bleeding or (rarely) a vaginal mass may indicate the presence of malignancy. Also, moderate pain during sexual intercourse and vaginal discharge are symptoms of cervical cancer. In advanced disease, metastases may be present in the abdomen, lungs or elsewhere.
Symptoms of advanced cervical cancer may include: loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, pelvic pain, back pain, leg pain, single swollen leg, heavy bleeding from the vagina, leaking of urine or feces from the vagina, and bone fractures.
The American Cancer Society provides the following list of risk factors for cervical cancer: human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, smoking, HIV infection, chlamydia infection, dietary factors, hormonal contraception, multiple pregnancies, use of the hormonal drug diethylstilbestrol (DES) and a family history of cervical cancer
The most important risk factor in the development of cervical cancer is infection with a high-risk strain of human papillomavirus. The virus cancer link works by triggering alterations in the cells of the cervix, leading to the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, leading to cancer.
Women who have many sexual partners (or who have sex with men or women who had many partners) have a greater risk.
More than 250 types of HPV are acknowledged to exist (some sources indicate more than 200 subtypes) Of these, 15 are classified as high-risk types (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, 73, and 82), 3 as probable high-risk (26, 53, and 66), and 12 as low-risk (6, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44, 54, 61, 70, 72, 81, and CP6108),but even those may cause cancer. Types 16 and 18 are generally acknowledged to cause about 70% of cervical cancer cases. Together with type 31, they are the prime risk factors for cervical cancer.
Genital warts although caused by different HPV types have no relation to cervical cancer.
The medically accepted paradigm, officially endorsed by the American Cancer Society and other organizations, is that a patient must have been infected with HPV to develop cervical cancer, and is hence viewed as a sexually transmitted disease, but not all women infected with HPV develop cervical cancer. Use of condoms does not always prevent transmission. Likewise, HPV can be transmitted by skin-to-skin-contact with infected areas. In males, HPV is thought to grow preferentially in the epithelium of the glans penis, and cleaning of this area may be preventative.
Despite the development of an HPV vaccine, some researchers argue that routine neonatal male circumcision is an acceptable way to lower the risk of cervical cancer in their future female sexual partners. Others maintain that the benefits do not outweigh the risks and/or consider the removal of healthy genital tissue from infants to be unethical as it cannot be reasonably assumed that a male would choose to be circumcised. There has not been any definitive evidence to support the claim that male circumcision prevents cervical cancer, although some researchers say there is compelling epidemiological evidence that men who have been circumcised are less likely to be infected with HPV. However, in men with low-risk sexual behaviour and monogamous female partners, circumcision makes no difference to the risk of cervical cancer
breast cancer, classification
Pathology - A pathologist will categorize each tumor based on its histological (microscopic anatomy) appearance and other criteria. The most common pathologic types of breast cancer are invasive ductal carcinoma, malignant cancer in the breast's ducts, and invasive lobular carcinoma, malignant cancer in the breast's lobules.
Grade of tumor - The histological grade of a tumor is determined by a pathologist under a microscope. A well-differentiated (low grade) tumor resembles normal tissue. A poorly differentiated (high grade) tumor is composed of disorganized cells and, therefore, does not look like normal tissue. Moderately differentiated (intermediate grade) tumors are somewhere in between.
Protein & gene expression status - Currently, all breast cancers should be tested for expression, or detectable effect, of the estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2/neu proteins. These tests are usually done by immunohistochemistry and are presented in a pathologist's report. The profile of expression of a given tumor helps predict its prognosis, or outlook, and helps an oncologist choose the most appropriate treatment. More genes and/or proteins may be tested in the future.
Stage of a tumour - The currently accepted staging scheme for breast cancer is the TNM classification :
Tumor - There are five tumor classification values (Tis, T1, T2, T3 or T4) which depend on the presence or absence of invasive cancer, the dimensions of the invasive cancer, and the presence or absence of invasion outside of the breast (e.g. to the skin of the breast, to the muscle or to the rib cage underneath).
Lymph Node - There are four lymph node classification values (N0, N1, N2 or N3) which depend on the number, size and location of breast cancer cell deposits in lymph nodes.
Metastases - There are two metastatic classification values (M0 or M1) which depend on the presence or absence of breast cancer cells in locations other than the breast and lymph nodes (so-called distant metastases, e.g. to bone, brain, lung).
Breast cancer
In the U.S., both incidence and death rates for breast cancer have been declining in the last few years. Nevertheless, a U.S. study conducted in 2005 by the Society for Women's Health Research indicated that breast cancer remains the most feared disease,even though heart disease is a much more common cause of death among women.
Because the breast is composed of identical tissues in males and females, breast cancer also occurs in males. Incidences of breast cancer in men are approximately 100 times less common than in women, but men with breast cancer are considered to have the same statistical survival rates as women.
03 March 2008
Travel Writers
Travel writing ever since has echoed the odysseys of these great people. Writers still feel it incumbent on them to have some higher purpose to their journeys beyond mere self-indulgence or curiosity. On the rare occasions when travel writers break this rule they tend to fall ill or become irredeemably cranky when they sit down to put their experiences on paper.
The range of reasons travel writers dream up to focus their journeys range from the absurd to the sublime. Take that outstanding wordsmith Bill Bryson. This man literally thought up journeys he could take, to create fodder for his witty irony and superb humorous descriptions. A walk along the Appalachian Trail with an old school friend (do you remember Katz?) became much more than 'A Walk in the Woods' as it was entitled. It was a humorous ramble through the American nature tourist culture and a lambasting of the authorities responsible for the national parks of the United States. It did not matter that Bryson completed only a tiny part of the trail. This incredibly long hike (Bryson spends a few pages embarrassing all the authorities who cannot agree on its exact length) served one purpose and one purpose only; it gave Bryson something to write about.
Similarly Bryson's book about rural America entitled 'The Lost Continent' has a very thin basis to it: Bryson vaguely travels the roads his parents followed, when they took their children on madcap long haul treks across the United States to see the sights (and sites of famous battles and historical occurrences) and generally scrounged their way along on a shoestring budget, to the mystification of the Bryson children. Again Bryson gets his teeth into a subject without much justification. Not that he needs it, you understand.
Bryson made a career of taking whole continents and wrapping them around his tongue, as in 'Down Under', his dry yet informative take on Australia. He went there because he had always wanted to see it and, as the subtext suggests, he was looking for an alternative place to live. He and his family had already done England and New England. As it happened, the Bryson family returned from New Hampshire to Britain, giving down under the thumbs down. Just too many snakes per square kilometer I suppose.
Now we come to the sublime reasons for travel. There are tales of pilgrimage, such as Shirley MacLaine's account of her walk the length of the Santiago de Compostela Camino in northern Spain, the ancient 500 mile pilgrimage route initiated by St James de Compostela ending at Santiago. 'Camino: a journey of the spirit' never reaches any conclusions and elicits no discernible greatness of spirit in the writer, but it surely gave Ms MacLaine fodder for a bestselling book in the bland genre of Californian spiritualism.
Ineffably more substantial is the marvelous book by William Dalrymple 'From the Holy Mountain' in which this handsome young Scot journeys to the places visited by John Moschos some 1500 hundred years before. His beautiful journey through the dying remnants of Byzantium in our own age (he traveled in 1997) is an unforgettable book by a marvelously intelligent Catholic probing the embers of Eastern Orthodox religion.
Between the absurd and the sublime reasons for travel lie many others. In 'African Rainbow' Lorenzo and Mirella Ricciardi traveled along the waterways in Africa, evidently searching for the ultimate noble savage in the European mold. They never found him or her but their book was published. It ends up being an uneasy journey of a couple to a continent they didn't understand.
In 'The Great Railway Bazaar' Paul Theroux travels on the Orient Express, the Khyber Pass Local, the Golden Arrow, the Mandalay Express, an odyssey on great trains from London through Europe and Asia, across Siberia. And his eye misses nothing as he describes this travel mode of a bygone age and these out-of-the-way places, but I always feel that Theroux travels and writes under duress rather than from compulsion, rather like Shiva Naipaul in 'North of South'.
Naipaul visited the insalubrious African countries: Zambia, Tanzania and Kenya, where Asians have been personae non grata in the past, and in some places still are, to find out what makes Africa tick. Of course no one does know what makes Africa tick, not even Naipaul.
Never mind that these men seem to have been uncomfortable about their journeys. Both are renowned travel writers, not least due to their dogged purposefulness. The point, it seems, is to have some intention when moving across the landscape. A traveler without intention is merely a wanderer.
seo : How do search engine work
There are basically two types of chase engines. The aboriginal is by robots alleged crawlers or spiders.
Search Engines use spiders to basis websites. When you abide your website pages to a chase agent by commutual their appropriate acquiescence page, the chase agent spider will basis your absolute site. A ‘spider’ is an automatic affairs that is run by the chase agent system. Spider visits a web site, apprehend the agreeable on the absolute site, the site's Meta tags and additionally chase the links that the armpit connects. The spider again allotment all that advice aback to a axial depository, area the abstracts is indexed. It will appointment anniversary articulation you accept on your website and basis those sites as well. Some spiders will alone basis a assertive cardinal of pages on your site, so don’t actualize a armpit with 500 pages!
The spider will periodically acknowledgment to the sites to analysis for any advice that has changed. The abundance with which this happens is bent by the moderators of the chase engine.
A spider is about like a book area it contains the table of contents, the absolute agreeable and the links and references for all the websites it finds during its search, and it may basis up to a actor pages a day.
Example: Excite, Lycos, AltaVista and Google.
When you ask a chase agent to locate information, it is absolutely analytic through the basis which it has created and not absolutely analytic the Web. Altered chase engines aftermath altered rankings because not every chase agent uses the aforementioned algorithm to chase through the indices.
One of the things that a chase agent algorithm scans for is the abundance and area of keywords on a web page, but it can additionally ascertain bogus keyword capacity or spamdexing. Again the algorithms assay the way that pages articulation to added pages in the Web. By blockage how pages articulation to anniversary other, an agent can both actuate what a folio is about, if the keywords of the affiliated pages are agnate to the keywords on the aboriginal page.
Things You Get When You Purchase Playstation 3
As abounding bodies know, PlayStation is a common success that afflicted the way bodies attending at gaming consoles. This paved the way to accession gaming animate that Sony produced, the PlayStation 2. Like its predecessor, PlayStation 2 was additionally broadly accustomed throughout the apple and aloft the absolution of this gaming console, PlayStation 2 retail outlets always ran out of PlayStation 2 gaming animate stocks.
Today, afterwards 6 continued years of cat-and-mouse for Sony to advance accession gaming animate that offers abundant affection entertainment, Sony will be absolution their latest accession to their gaming animate lines, the PlayStation 3. PlayStation 3 is advised to be one of the best advancing gaming consoles today. With the altered appearance that you can account from and a lot of freebies you can get from purchasing PlayStation 3, you will absolutely appetite one for your own.
When you acquirement a PlayStation 3, it will accommodate a wireless Bluetooth controller, and a chargeless game. The basal agreement will now accommodate the HDMI affection for you to absolutely booty advantage of your PlayStation 3 if you comedy it with your High Definition TV. It will additionally accommodate the Blu-ray drive, now a accepted for both exceptional and basal configurations.
The actuality that PlayStation 3 is so hot, abounding websites today are now alms preorders for PlayStation 3. And, because they charge customers, abounding websites are now additionally alms freebies for their buyers. They accord chargeless PlayStation 3 accessories or amateur to allure added bodies to buy the PlayStation 3 from them.
Because there are additionally bodies who are demography advantage of the Internet to advance scams, it is important that you should appraise the website that you will try acclimation your PlayStation 3 from. Determine if the website is a accepted PlayStation 3 banker and will accord you a 18-carat PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 3 accessories and games.
PlayStation 3 can absolutely accord you the best affection gaming experience. However, PlayStation 3 is able with the latest technology in gaming consoles, such as cartoon chip, processors, and added features. Because of this, you can apprehend that the PlayStation 3 gaming animate will be absolutely expensive. If you appetite a PlayStation 3 that will action the best affection for your money, attending for PlayStation 3 official absolution promotions to absolutely booty advantage of the gaming console. You can additionally access discounts from assorted PlayStation 3 retail outlets if they admittance it.
PlayStation 3 is absolutely the gaming animate of your choice. Obviously, with all the appearance and the freebies that some Sony PlayStation retail aperture offers, you should try and acquirement PlayStation 3 from a retail aperture that will accord you abounding amount for your money.
Also, afore you buy your own PlayStation 3, you should apperceive that there are two basal configurations that you can purchase, there's the basal agreement and the exceptional configuration. In basal configuration, it will amount you US$499 in the United States and US$599 for the exceptional configuration. The aberration is that the exceptional will accept added appearance than the basal configuration, such as the 60GB upgradeable adamantine drive, congenital Wi-Fi, and Flash agenda readers.
In basal configuration, you can advancement at your own clip if you can't allow to add at US$100 for the exceptional agreement aloof yet. These are the things you should accumulate in apperception back you are activity to acquirement the PlayStation 3.
Kick Andy Dan Dokter John
Sekarang ini jarang ada dokter yang benar2 100% murni berniat menolong sesama. Kalau bisa, bekerja di kota besar. Padahal, sebenarnya, lahan untuk dokter muda dan umum di kota besar udah hampir digarap sama dokter umum senior dan spesialis.
Hai, dokter muda... ingatlah, pada waktu kecil dului, niatan jadi dokter karena liat orang yang suka bantu sesama khan? Kembalilah menjadi dokter sejati. Banyak amal, Insya Allah rejeki akan mengalir dari Tuhan, lebih banyak hidayah dan nikmat yang akan didapat. Amin
Di Desember 2007, aku beli paket hape esia c2601. Masih promo di daerahku, Medan.
Awalnya sih normal-normal saja. Mungkin karena aku gak begitu perhatikan ya. Namun pengalaman aneh itu mulai tejadi. Saat saudara sepupuku membeli paket hape Esia yang bertipe sama denganku, seiring dengan suaminya yang bekerja di pekanbaru, Riau.
Pertama aku menelepon sepupuku itu, ada nada "echo" terdengar dari hapeku. namun saat aku nelpon ke no selular atau pstn lain, meskipun ke no. esia lainnya, tidak ada "echo.
trus pas kami bertemu, si sepupu bilang kalo penunjuk waktu di hapenya sering "lari", maksudnya, kadang cocok dengan jam dinding rumahnya, kadang maju satu jam dari normal. kucoba setel dari hape doi. eh, ternyata di hape esia seri itu tidak terdapat pengaturan jam manual. Ku lihat jam hapeku, lho, kok jadi ikut-ikutan maju satu jam juga.
Pas, sampe rumah keanehan berlanjut. si jam di hape, tiba-tiba normal kembali. jadi kusimpulkan, di hape sepupuku itu ada virusnya. jadi pas deket ama hape dia, hapeku ketularan......aneh
Listrikku..Listrikmu..Naasnya Nasibmu
Memang heboh peristiwa pemadaman yang dilakukan PT. PLN Jawa Bali. Tapi, saya yang kebetulan orang Medan, hanya bisa tersenyum geli. Kalau saya sih, udah biasa tanpa listrik. Di Medan tuh, udah lumrah kalo listrik padam 2-4 jam. bahkan bisa diantisipasi
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